Peak Sanctuary
Peak Sanctuary was conceived as a place of peace, rest, and relaxation. This new, 2 bedroom home is sited uphill from the owner's current residence and offers a tremendous view looking across Vermont's countryside toward Mount Mansfield.
This jewel of a project emerged from collaboration with thoughtful and highly engaged clients, their interior designer Carol Flanagan, general contractor Michael Baumann, and a crew of highly skilled tradespersons and artisans.
The Eastern White Pine timber framed elements were crafted by Brian Hayes of Bellweather Craftsmen in Huntington, Vermont, and are fully integrated with the home's exterior and interior architecture.
Bruce Paine and his crew worked their incredible hardscape magic, while Benita Gardens filled the garden spaces with luscious plantings and Corey Hathaway planted the new trees that will begin the maturing of the house into the site.