Courage In Bloom
The garden is an inspired spiral design. Located between 10 and 12 Baldwin Street in Montpelier, the path begins at a beautiful 35-year-old Norway maple. Plantings gently cascade along the curved physically accessible stone pathway, which descends toward the walls of the center plaza. Curved seating height walls frame this center plaza, which gently invites a visitor to gaze at or lay a hand on the "Keeping Heart" sculpture. This lovely site will be used for reflection and will stand as a visual testament that Vermonter's care about the impact that crime has on victim/survivors, and also for bill signings, vigils and speak outs.
We co-designed the garden with Jeanne Vissering, Landscape Architect, and Tricia Harper, Architect with the Vermont Department of Buildings and Grounds. The "Keeping Heart" sculpture was design and created by Chris Curtis and Tari Swenson of Stowe.
This project's success is due in large part to the generous and compassionate collaboration among the Center for Crime Victim Services, the Victim Advocate at the U.S. Attorney's office, the Lamoille States Attorney Victim Advocate, and the Design Team.